On October 8th, volunteers from Ramona High School Campus Chapter helped complete an A Brush with Kindness project that began the prior weekend. This particular project aimed to completely renovate the landscape of a homeowner named Lily, whose age prevented her from the difficult task of uprooting overgrown ivy, trees, and debris which plagued her yard. The work com
pleted the previous Saturday resulted in the removal of over 100 industrial-sized bags full of unwanted vegetation, leaving behind a bare and desolate looking yard. Although looking far better than before, the yard needed an aesthetic touch. Armed with shovels, buckets, and empty garbage bins, volunteers helped cover the empty yard with several tons of wood chips. From barren to beautiful, the volunteers left their mark on Lily’s yard with a blanket of wood chips which covered the exposed dirt.
Volunteers were in awe as they listened to Lily’s daughter explain her rich and fascinating history. One volunteer remarked, “Lily has a beautiful and difficult story. I can’t believe she has lived through so much. It just feels right to help her.” For several hours, the volunteers traveled back and forth from the driveway where the wood chips were piled to the deserted yard where they spread the chips. Initially, the pile of wood chips stood as tall as some of the volunteers but as the day went on the pile became progressively smaller until all that remained was a brown dust.
The Ramona High School Campus Chapter has been one of our most active and effective volunteer groups. They have helped raise thousands of dollars for the A Brush with Kindness program through fundraisers such as the “Lap-A-Thon,” which was held at Ramona stadium this past March. That event alone helped raise over $2,000 and spread awareness about what Habitat for Humanity does. Additionally, they are not only a successful financial supporter but have consistently lent a hand on “A Brush with Kindness” projects every six weeks for several years. We at Habitat for Humanity Riverside are immeasurably grateful for their strength and support.