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Board of Directors



Habitat for Humanity Riverside is governed by an independent Board of Directors. The Board, which oversees the direction of Habitat Riverside’s activities, includes community members from business, faith, and service organizations. All members are volunteers.


Laura Roughton, President
Western Municipal Water District Board Director

Julius Santiago, Treasurer 
Bank of America

Cathy Brandt, Secretary
Stream, Kim, Hicks, Wrage & Alfaro, P.C.

Nicholas Adcock (Sabbatical)
President/CEO, Greater Riverside Chambers of Commerce

George Gutierrez
Wells Fargo

Armando Arroyo
Eastern Municipal Water District

Michael Goodland
City of Jurupa Valley, Retired

Ken Gutierrez, 
City of Riverside, Retired

Rev. Erin Thomas
Calvary Presbyterian Church

Jamie Deason
Executive VP, Springboard

Last updated April 2023


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Your financial support allows Habitat homeowners to achieve the strength, stability, and independence they need to build a better life for themselves and for their families.



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