Our 2010 Habitat families come back for their final Post Purchase Workshop “Community Involvement”. Jesse Limon from the Fair Housing Council, Katrina Lankster from Community Action Partnership, and new Jurupa Valley City Councilman Brad Hancock all presented. Getting Habitat families together is always fun as we get to hear the success stories continue after they’ve moved in.
Jesse Limon spoke about the importance of committing oneself to the community. Great neighborhood experiences were shared, like how Joann Gale Christmas caroled in her neighborhood and delivered Christmas cookies with the youth group from Calvary Presbyterian. The Fraustos and Gastons both noted that while their houses were being built their neighboring house was in disrepair. But since the houses have been completed and maintained, their neighbor has been taking better care of their house.
Katrina Lankster was a great addition to the workshop as she spoke about Community Action Partnerships’ Dispute Resolution Center & Peer Mediation. Many of the families were surprised & interested to learn mediation is being taught in their children’s schools.
Jurupa Valley City Councilman Brad Hancock introduced himself to our 2010 Habitat families since the majority of them are living in the new city. He engaged Habitat families about their community resources and even stayed after hours to meet every one of our families. Most importantly, he spoke about how City Hall is Jurupa Valley’s biggest advocate for the community.
Another workshop success thanks to our community partnerships!