On November 21st, four mobile homes at the Riverside Country Club Mobile Home Park were given a fresh coat of paint thanks to the hard work of 64 Kaiser Permenenmte volunteers! This was Kaiser Permenenmte’s 7th Annual A Brush with Kindness Volunteer Day with Habitat for Humanity Riverside.
The day started with Kaiser volunteers and Habitat staff getting acquainted over coffee and donuts. The volunteers were very enthusiastic about volunteering! Most had volunteered with Habitat at previous Kaiser A Brush with Kindness projects and were very familiar with the process of our volunteer days. After everyone was signed in and had a bite to eat, a Kaiser volunteer led the groups in a general safety talk. Following, Habitat staff lead the volunteers in a toolbox talk and a prayer. Volunteers were then split into 4 groups lead by a team captain and were assigned a home.
The day went as smooth as can be! “It is always wonderful to work with volunteers from Kaiser because they are so organized and experienced with our volunteer process” stated Habitat staffer Joe Michalak. By 12:30 pm, all four homes were completed, supplies had been loaded into trucks, and each home was cleaned and complete with a new paint job! The park staff and homeowners were ecstatic about the work Kaiser had done, they couldn’t help but continually thank and show their gratitude to the volunteers. After the project was complete, Kaiser generously provided a catered lunch for the volunteers and the Habitat staff.
Thank you, Kaiser Permenenmte for your continued support to Habitat for Humanity, Riverside!