Did you know there are over 357,560 people over the age of 60 residing in Riverside County? By the year 2050 it is estimated, via the U.S. Census, over 1,035,895 people over the age of 60 will reside in Riverside County. Are we prepared? How do we prepare?
Those were the questions that Habitat for Humanity International’s Aging in Place Learning Exchange addressed.
On October 20 and 21st, Habitat for Humanity Riverside hosted a Learning Exchange on Aging in Place sponsored by Habitat for Humanity International and the AARP Foundation. Over 50 people were in attendance from Habitat for Humanity affiliates nationwide. These individuals had the opportunity to hear and meet speakers who are leaders in their field, currently working with the aged population.
Representatives from the Janet Goeske Foundation, were the morning plenary speakers. Judith Vails, Executive Director at the foundation, works to “continuously improve the healthy aging process by delivering programming and services to the local and regional community.” As part of her presentation, the audience was invited to experience a unique sensitivity training. To better understand and relate to the elderly population, they put on special glasses to hinder eyesight, ear plugs to deter hearing, and put corn kernels in their shoes to simulate corns and calluses.
We all want to think of ourselves as viable, even as we grow older and life slows us down. We can only hope that when we are in our 80’s, as Marilyn Lynch is, that we are as vibrant, poised, and as willing to serve. Marilyn Lynch, Senior Advisor at the Janet Goeske Senior center was an inspirational speaker. She continues to work two days a week at the Goeske center, helping seniors understand the mound of paperwork related to the aging population.
After the opening speakers, organizations that actively work to plan for the influx of aging broke off into different areas of the room. Attendees moved from station to station to, learning about the organizations and their involvement with the aging population. Representing the stations included Judith and Marilyn from the Janet Goeske Foundation, Janice Bielman, Executive Director of Meals on Wheels, Veronica Rodriguez, Administrative Services Manager from Riverside County Department of Aging, Lisa Almilli, Travel Training Supervisor of Riverside Transit Agency, and Antoine Cook from the AARP Foundation and Nancy Lane and Peggy Cook from our local AARP chapter.
After taking a short break, attendees came back together for dinner where Dr. Anthony Corr, a third generation doctor from the Riverside Medical Clinic who teaches Geriatrics classes at UCR, spoke. He encouraged people to manage their care and live a fulfilled life.
While day one was a day for inspiration, day two was a day for planning and working. Corneil Montgomery, Design, Implementation Sr. Specialist from Habitat for Humanity International, organized a panel of three Habitat for Humanity representatives who are doing remarkable things in their community for seniors, including building casitas for seniors on their property and repairing front homes so seniors can rent them out to receive an income. Sarah Mackey, Organization Consultant from Habitat for Humanity International, also spoke about organizing and fundraising for the cause. This informative event is only one of the first steps in preparing ourselves for the growing aging population.

my website above is still under construction. i would be interested in the next class. I am in the process of establishing a 6 bed facility for the elderly in my home. i would like to understand the aging process more.
Would love to volunteer with the Habitat Humanity Program either on the veteran program, or the senior (Aging in Place) program. As a senior myself, I am passionate about the subject of housing for seniors. I can be reached at 951 208 9940. thank you.
Thank you for your interest in volunteering and willingness to support your community! We are always looking for passionate volunteers. We will pass your information along to our volunteer coordinator and she will get back to you about opportunities.
In the mean time, you can sign up to be a volunteer on our volunteer database here: https://www.habitatriverside.org/support/volunteer/
This will give you access to our volunteer calendar, we will also email you with updates on future volunteer opportunities when they come up.
At the moment, there are no plans for another Aging in Place Learning Exchange right now. We do however have a lot of resources we can refer you to, please contact Stephanie at smorales@habitatriverside.org for specific resources.