Putting aside money from a very tight budget to pay for home repairs was simply not in the cards for this Moreno Valley family. Their wall heater had not been functional for a long time and they were using a space heater for warmth. The home had electrical issues as well. The skirting around the home was in bad shape, allowing small animals and pests to live under their home where they caused damage to the insulation and supporting structure. In addition, the bathroom was in need of upgrades for improved mobility and safe access.
In partnership with the City of Moreno Valley’s Mobile Home Repair Program for qualified low income mobile homeowners, Habitat for Humanity Riverside repaired the skirting and structure, repaired and upgraded the bathroom and replaced the heater. Habitat Riverside also addressed the electrical safety issues. This couple now has a safe and healthy environment where they can thrive.
Help give families, like Geri and her husband, a safe and affordable place to live by supporting #AHomeForAllSeasons. Donate today!
Habitat for Humanity Riverside’s Home Preservation Programs
In addition to building new homes, families partner with Habitat for Humanity Riverside to improve the places they already call home. By focusing efforts on preservation, health, and safety issues, families are enabled to stay in their home and the affordable housing stock that is already in place in our communities is preserved.
Thank you to our Home Preservation Partners: