Volunteers from the Rising Sun group based at March Air Reserve came together this past Saturday to help paint Carrie’s home located in Riverside’s Rancho Caballero mobile home park. Carrie was diagnosed with breast cancer about 18 months ago and while undergoing chemo treatments, was not able to care for her home or have the funds to hire professionals to paint her home. Carrie was in awe and in tears as volunteers arrived Saturday morning to give her home a new face lift.
The Rising Sun group led by Javier were up for the challenge. His crew of eight tackled the home with one focus in mind, to get as much of the home completed before it got too hot. The plan was to complete the front of the home, 2 front awnings and 2 long sides of the home. Before the group jumped into the paint job, a morning devotion was given to inspire them during the day. Everyone was focused throughout the whole morning and completed the walls and trim on all 3 sides. Habitat volunteers completed the rear of the home and will finish painting the railings later on in the week. Towards the end of the day, Carrie came out with chocolate chip cookies as a token of her appreciation.
Rising Sun volunteers, your focus and professionalism showed through today. Thank you for not only your service for this country, but for helping Carrie with the much needed help. Rising Sun Group you definitely shined!