How many volunteers does it take to make a great team to paint a home? On Tuesday, the 14th a team from Defender Direct showed us that 8 is a good number. They painted the home of seniors Robert and Edith Burdelle, who live in Riverside’s King Arthur Estates Mobile Home Park. Even though the home had been kept up well, it definitely needed some TLC.
To the rescue… Defender Direct! With a little helping hand from Hurles, who is helping his sister Beatrice get in her sweat equity for a Habitat home, they did a great job in a short time. We did some prep by spraying three of the walls and the guys all worked together to do the fine work, finish up the last wall and of course, the really hard part the trim work. That’s all on ladders and all in the sun!
Triple digit heat didn’t seem to slow them down. We had lots of water and Calvin’s ipad music to keep them on track. But most of the guys seemed to follow his music so we got him busy on window trim. Of course, it was mainly because he did a great job at it and it kept him moving around the unit. Everyone got to listen to his tunes, at least for a while. We all ended up on the shady side of the home which is the best way to end a paint day in triple digit heat.
The team of 9 did a great job painting the exterior of this home for two seniors now in enjoying their retirement just a little better with a new paint job. Robert and Edith were very happy and excited with the new look of their home. Thank You, Defender Direct! All of you showed us your winning team effort.