What a wonderful landscaping volunteer day we had! Pastor Erin Thomas from Calvary Presbyterian brought spiritual support with her muscle. Southern California Edison was able to nab 9 volunteers in the nick of time for this very physical volunteer day. Our regular, core volunteer group matched their efforts and did everything from laying sod to installing drought tolerant landscape. Thanks to everyone’s hard work, our new build on Crestmore is now beautiful inside and out.
Burrtec donated all the bark for the backyard and Fairway Landscape donated the 3 shade trees and the 4 landscapers for our Saturday volunteer day. We planted 6 fruit trees, Lantana, Nandina, Asparagus Ferns, Sod and ground cover.
TORO provided products and knowledge of landscaping and irrigation products related to TORO industries: controllers, valves, sprinkler bodies, nozzles, drip tubing, and emitters. TORO donated approximately $2,000.00 in landscaping materials. In addtion to this, TORO granted Habitat Riverside $5,000 towards construction costs of this new build. And on top of THAT, TORO provided volunteers to help us raise the walls on this house on April 21st.
Thanks to all who made this possible.