We were glad to have volunteers from our Habitat Partner Families, members of Quorum and a past resident who had their home painted through our A Brush with Kindness Program, come together to paint a home for a homeowner this past Saturday. Scott, the homeowner, was ecstatic to see his home receive a new paint job. He greeted and got to know some of the volunteers as we set up for the day. He was surprised to find out that members of his old church were helping out in this project. As Scott spoke to one of the volunteers, they found out that they grew up going to the same church. They brought up his father who played the organ in the church for many years. Seeing the home owner and the volunteers create new ties from old memories is what Habitat Riverside’ A Brush With Kindness program strives to create.
The project was under way at 8:00 am. Most of the volunteers were Veteran painters, having worked with us in the past. It was convenient because it made the set up and safety brief flow smooth and quick. Within less than 15 minutes of protective covering, the paint station, and other equipment was set up. Volunteers were efficient as they split up to work on different parts of the house.
- 1/10/15 Il Sorrento
- 1/10/15 Il Sorrento
- 1/10/15 Il Sorrento
Some painted with the light green paint while others painted with the dark green paint. Some painted the sides of the walls where much of the light green paint was needed while others worked on detailed sections, such as the trim or the outline of the windows and around wires. It really was a group effort as every volunteered played an important role in completing the project. Volunteers asked for clarification or help when they needed it, it all worked out smoothly as we worked as a team.
Mariela and Chris, new Habitat Partner Family, helped out on last week’s project and were very helpful in setting up and establishing a great start to painting the home. Chris started by painting the side wall with the light green paint while Mariela followed and cleaned up details like painting the trim of the lower part of the house to the floor. Quorum was very helpful as well as efficient, precise and divided up painting tasks. Their group spread out on all corners of the house. Some were painting the trim, some painting the doors, others worked on ladders to paint the trim on the very top of the home, and some even helped in cleaning up mistakes and detailing specific areas.
- 1/10/15 Il Sorrento
- 1/10/15 Il Sorrento
- 1/10/15 Il Sorrento
It was a great thing to see the homeowner whose house was previously painted by A Brush with Kindness program give back and help paint a fellow programs home. It shows how grateful she was for the program and those who helped paint her home. As I spoke with her, she stated she was very thankful and felt inclined to help out when she was able to do so. She embodies, perhaps, the positivity that comes from programs like A Brush for Kindness that helps those who are in need of its services.
The volunteer’s did an awesome job and all came together to paint Scott’s home. They were efficient, positive, supportive and having fun while panting this home. We look forward in working with these volunteers in the future.
I would love to volunteer my time to help with what ever is needed. Contact me anytime. Maureen
I would love to volunteer my time to help with whatever is needed. Contact me anytime
We would love to have you as a volunteer! We always need the help. Volunteer information available at habitatriverside.org/volunteer