Habitat for Humanity Riverside was ecstatic to receive a call from Verizon FiOS to partner and be part of their Verizon FiOS SoCal Campaign to make a positive impact on the community Verizon serves in. A Brush with Kindness Program helps homeowners typically seniors, veterans and the disabled living on fixed income preserve their home through minor exterior repairs and was a perfect fit for their campaign.
The Verizon FiOS marketing team arrived early Saturday morning to help Karen and her family repaint their mobile home in Riverside’s Santiago Estates mobile home park. Karen is disabled and has to use a wheel chair to get around. She also lives with her son and daughter in-law who serves as care givers. Karen’s home was cited by park management to paint her home and with living on a fixed income is unable to afford for professional painters to bring her home up to code with park standards.
Verizon FiOS volunteers were eager to help and painted with ease. Karen’s son Jim and grandson Devon joined the volunteers on painting the trim. They both were very appreciative of the help they were getting from the volunteers. During the volunteer’s lunch break, Karen came out to personally thank the volunteers as well.
After lunch, Verizon volunteer Collette and team presented Kathy Michalak, Habitat for Humanity’s A Brush with Kindness manager, with a check for $5,000 to help fund future projects. The contribution is greatly appreciated and will help many homeowners like Karen bring their home up to code and no longer feel threaten of losing their home. The Verizon volunteers did not let the celebration deter them from finishing up the paint project and was soon saying their farewells.
Thank you Verizon FiOS team for your support and sweat. We will see you at our next project.