Many of the homes at The Meadows Mobile Home Park in Riverside need repairs due to water damage. Margaret, a homeowner living on a fixed income, needed her home painted and her porch and steps repaired. Because of her lack of disposable income, Margaret had been unable to maintain these repairs herself and was in violation of community standards and at risk of getting a citation.
Upon applying for our A Brush with Kindness program, Margaret mentioned that she was ill and was going to go into surgery soon. With help from student volunteers from La Sierra University, Margaret’s home was ready before she went into the hospital, giving her the piece of mind that she would have a beautiful home to come back to. Volunteers arrived early in the morning on Saturday, February 6, to paint and re-carpet Margret’s porch. Although only a few volunteers showed up, the homeowner was in awe by how much work they were able to accomplish, stating, “I am so happy. You all did an amazing job”! The team’s enthusiasm was encouraging, thank you again for all of your hard work!