This Tuesday morning in Riverside, we worked with volunteers from BJ’s restaurant in Corona to paint a mobile home for a resident in need. These BJ’s employees do a lot of charity work. They volunteer as a group at least once each month, for example, at food drives (during Thanksgiving), adopting a family for Christmas, and volunteering for the Special Olympics at USC. And this was not the first time that they volunteered with Habitat Riverside; they joined us for yard cleaning a few months ago.
Chris, who is the manager, helps organize all charity efforts too, and we could not thank her enough for doing so.
These BJ’s employees were great workers and even stayed until 1 pm to finish all the work. It was a really fun work day with different music being played on different sides of the home. It’s a big restaurant in Corona and eighteen were able to make it out for the volunteer day. Many of these employees volunteer their time multiple times a year. Us AmeriCorps really love BJ’s and go there on pay days to celebrate because they have great food and drinks, plus their staff is the best! We wish all companies were as charitable as this one is.
They said that they will be back to volunteer with us next quarter at another ABWK. We cannot wait.