It has been another successful day at the Riverside Arapahoe build with the Wells Fargo women volunteers. This great team of Wells Fargo women was led by Habitat for Humanity Riverside’s Construction Manager, Kathy and three amazing men with tons of patience to paper and lathe my future home. It pleases me time after time to witness the level of energy, love and dedication these woman put forth to ensure nothing less, but the best quality of my family’s home. It is captivating to stand back and view the finish product of that day’s completed work and know with clarity that we did our best with the knowledge we process in a 5 minute crash course. The ladies wore their pink hard hats with pride and strength, as they worked effortlessly throughout the day. The work environment was filled with playful jokes, laughter and team sweat. I tip my pink hard hat to you ladies, great job and well done.
In addition, our afternoon was kicked off with a delicious spaghetti lunch provided by my mother Cathy and served by my son Akili, his auntie Jenny and uncle Gorge. I must say that my highlight of the day was when Kathy took Akili by the hand and guided him through the house. She explained to him the process in which the house was in, what was to come of the house and where each room is located. I could tell that my baby was full of joy and happiness. His facial expression demonstrated a level of gratitude that words alone couldn’t describe. I later asked Akili, what did he like most about his house? He responded, “I like everything mommy, God really do bless people huh?” he added.
We thank you all for your love, participation and family support in the building of our home, may God touch you as he has done me.
With Love,
Beatrice, Habitat Homeowner
Awesome day! Awesome cause! First time and would do it again in a heart beat!!