The cool cloudy morning was a perfect to help seniors Ron and Nancy, who live in the Old Plantation mobile home park in Jurupa Valley. Habitat Riverside’s UCR Chapter student volunteers came to bring some sunshine to their home. The UCR Habitat for Humanity Campus Chapter is always ready to step in and help and this project was no exception. The dozen students came ready and willing to paint their home in just a few hours.
Ron and Nancy have lived in the home for over 30 years and just like most home owners always want to take care of their homes and make plans to complete lots of projects. Ron shared he had purchased a pressure washer and an electric paint sprayer and still have not used them. It is difficult to complete the list of projects when the doctor visits take priority. Both Ron and Nancy have medical conditions that need constant monitoring.
Most of our UCR chapter students had painted with us before so the group jumped right in to the job at hand. They all grabbed extension poles and started painting the walls, working their way around the house. The group was able to get everything except the awnings completed before they had to leave. We’ll get back over there during the week to complete that part of the project. The original blue trim took more time to make sure it was covered by the new brown trim color.
Ron and Nancy loved the new look of their home and thanked all of the UCR Habitat Campus Chapter volunteers with handshakes and hugs. It always heartwarming to see young adult volunteers take time out of their free time to help others. And as the students were leaving the sun was shining brighter on Ron and Nancy’s home.