On Saturday, December 6th, the WELL Christian Club at UCR came together with Habitat for Humanity Riverside in A Brush with Kindness to help a family in need! The homeowner and his family, including his young daughters and her adorable little puppy live together in the Bravo Estate mobile home park. While the family maintained their home as much as possible, the need for a fresh coat of paint was clearly evident at first glance. However, purchasing paint and actually applying a new coat of paint to their home is obviously easier said than done on a fixed income. But after learning about Habit for Humanity Riverside’s exterior home preservation service, A Brush with Kindness, an approval was the only thing standing between them having a freshly painted home! Sure enough, they were approved and after some brief paperwork, a group of volunteers stepped up to take on the task!
Early Saturday morning, the WELL Christian Club at UCR arrived on site ready to begin their work. Some of the volunteers were familiar with A Brush with Kindness and were well aware of on-site procedure, nevertheless, a brief overview on safety procedures was given along with a prayer, and then the team began their work. The volunteers were distributed around the house while those without fear of ladders and heights began their work around the trim of the house. The walls of the home had to be double coated but this did not seem to slow down the volunteers one bit!
As the work carried on, one of the homeowner’s daughter’s circled the house with her tiny companion, offering the volunteers refreshments! Around noon, the homeowners came out with pizza’s to feed the hungry workers. After the short break, the team got right back to work and by 1:00 P.M., the entire house had been painted! After briefly speaking with the homeowner and a group photo, the volunteers helped load the supplies onto the Habitat for Humanity Riverside truck, then they were on their way to enjoy the rest of their Saturday, knowing that that morning they helped touch the lives of a family in need.
On behalf of Habitat for Humanity Riverside and the happy family of the Brave Estate mobile home park, we’d like to thank the WELL Christian Club at UCR! We can’t wait to work with you again!